Heal deeply. Improve your relationships. Make a difference in this world.

Emerge extraordinary.

My name is Dawn Elle Davis, and I am oracle to the most prominent women in the world.

Schedule a Session

Something has lost its capacity to make you happy.

Your job, your kids, your partner, your body.

You forget the impact that you make on others. You get lost trying to keep up with all the demands. You’ve pushed yourself to act like a man to keep up with where you want to go.

You’re tired of denying your feminine essence and pleasure. You crave sensuality. As hard as you try, and as successful as you are, you cannot deny you’re a hot mess behind closed doors.

You’ve tried so much. Worked with the therapist, tried the eating plan, done the dating sites, read the books, took the class, but to no avail.

you cannot outrun yourself anymore.

I see you.

Your past, your present, and all the futures that are available to you.

My intuitive gifts allow me to locate what is holding you back, so you may unlock your greatest potential and create your highest future.

I combine channeling, trauma informed coaching, quantum healing, constellation work, futuring, and mindfulness practice.

My unique method is what elevates the world’s most prominent women across corporate roles, entrepreneurship, politics, and Hollywood.

Emerge the most powerful, influential, and embodied leader of your life.

Step into your divine power.

No more playing small.

This is your time. To shine. To blaze your own path. Remember the richness of your soul and unique gifts. Be legendary in your mission and create an unforgettable legacy for those you care for and serve.


Heal your past.

You can only serve 1 master, either the past or the future. Let your trauma teach you. Find the medicine for your wounds to finally heal. Accept & take responsibility for your past. Create the opportunity to step into your best self.


Transform the present.

Become fully sourced within yourself and the Divine. Emerge unshakeable through fierce self-love in the present moment. Revel in the pleasure within your body to unlock ancient wisdom. Know where you’re currently at in your personal hero’s journey so you align your thoughts & feelings to create the life you desire.


Select your highest future.

When you heal within, you create space for a new level of embodiment of higher aligned thoughts and feelings that magnetize your limitless life. There’s a multitude of possibilities and potentialities at your fingertips in the quantum field. Continually meet with your future self to get the directives to create your elevated brilliant future. Faith, hope, and trust will be the building blocks of your divinely architected life.

Start here...

Work with me.

Intuitive Healing Session

Experience the powerful future that is possible in just a single session with me. This is the best place to start.

One-to-One Coaching

For those ready to heal, expand, and create their limitless life.

This customized, high-touch container will see you through sustainable transformation and breakthroughs. You will be brought through my signature process, “The Reclamation”.

Reclaiming all of you so you can unabashedly receive unlimited abundance from the universe in all areas of your life. Inevitably become the most powerful leader of your life through self actualization and embodied wisdom.

Destined with Dawn Elle

Destined is an intimate 6 month container of like minded women motivated to deeply know themselves so they can create the lives they truly desire.

This container is designed to boldly eradicate poverty consciousness while claiming what you’re destined for.

To access the energetics and emotional mastery to become the most prosperous version of yourself to design the life of your dreams. When you can envision it, you will have it.


Dive deep on what’s most pertinent, pressing, and expansive.

This curated experience includes sacred plant medicine along with coaching. A luxe environment, my shamanic team, and myself provided a full day of healing. It also includes integration afterwards.

This experience will take you from the ordinary to the extraordinary.

Ready to Experience a Day that will Change your Life?

Fully Sourced Mentorship

A 6-month container to learn how to coach, heal, and mentor as a Soul Embodiment Facilitator.

I take my 15+ years and condense it down to teach you the most pertinent ways to show up in your gifts. This is a combination of you going through your own process to heal, while learning how to simultaneously bring this to your clients.

You will study in various modalities such as trauma informed, constellation and attachment theory, channeling, multidimensional healing, futuring, gene keys, and mindfulness. You will customize and create your own signature style with my assistance.

I created this program to elevate the coaching industry and bring more integrity to a holistic way of serving as a leader.   

Apply Now
Deepen the Experience

Visionary Journey
in Peru

Step into the enchanted energy of the Sacred Valley, where the daily grind fades, revealing the magic within. Your current situation isn't all there is—you're not broken but have forgotten your power to craft a limitless life.

Our trip is designed to help you REMEMBER your creative ability. Disrupt patterns through art, movement, nature walks, and cultural experiences. Dawn & Whitney will guide you back to co-creating your best life.

Claim your Spot
Soul Remembrance

Rocas Retreat
San Diego

Divinely Aligned

Rocas Retreat
San Diego

When you wait for life, you put yourself on hold.

What is the price of your unrequited dreams?

Change is hard at times. But what’s worse, is if you do nothing at all, and you look up 3 years from now and nothing has changed or things have regressed even more.

There’s an opportunity cost to not saying yes to investing in your growth.

  • Staying stuck in survival mode, waiting to move forward.
  • Alone or Lonely, lacking connection with yourself and relationships.
  • Disconnected, aimless with no purpose.
  • Fearful, with no trust to create the life you really want.
  • A burnt out nervous system or sick body that lacks energy because it’s been shut down from pleasure & vitality.
Love & Luxury

Discover the beauty of the life that is possible.

Feminine, emotionally rich. You.

Love, long ago, you believed a broken story that says someone else has the answers. But you have the answers. Your body is the portal to your divine truth. Your intuition is your compass. 

I help you see the missing pieces, connect to yourself, and teach you to heal your past. Create a different future, today.

what my clients say...

If you have the opportunity to work with Dawn, you're about to experience a true gift...

Brook Nelson

I’ve been working with Dawn for nearly 6 years and I honestly don’t know how I ever lived without her.

Jen Verruto
Founder & Owner

I have come far in such a short time and look forward to continuing to work with Dawn in the future!

Jodi Ross
Real Estate Agent
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